Robert Trondsen began his art career on Madison Avenue in
the nineteen fifties in New York City. After a few years, he
moved to the Hudson Valley into the magic world of
landscapes, and after serving a term in the
Army Security Agency he got down to the business of painting.
Today he is listed in the upcoming edition of
“Who’s Who In America”as an artist and is represented by several
galleries. Please click on“Biography of the Artist” for details.

Biography of the Artist  



The Lone Tree- 24" x 18"

Rugged Land- 12" x 16"

Limescape- 12" x 18"  


Hudson - 20" x 30"

A Gathering of Trees - 30" x 40"

A Perfect View - 18" x 24"

Country Boy - 30" x 40"

Morning Glory - 20" x 30"

Simple is Beautiful - 16" x 20"

Sky Drama - 20" x 24"

The Perfect Storm - 24" x 18"

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Web Site Created By:
Peter Trondsen